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"Advanced Engineering Mathematics" is written for the students of all engineering disciplines. Topics such as Partial Differentiation, Differential Equations, Complex Numbers, Statistics, Probability, Fuzzy Sets and Linear Programming which are an important part of all major universities have been well-explained. Filled with examples and in-text exercises, the book successfully helps the student to practice and retain the understanding of otherwise difficult concepts.
Audience of the Book : This book Useful for Engineering Student. Table of Content:1. Partial Differentiation
2. Multiple Integral
3. Differential Equations
4. Determinants and Matrices
6. Complex numbers
7. Functions of a Complex Variable
9. Taylor's and Laurent's Series
10. Special Functions
11. Partial Differential Equations
14. Fourier Series
15. Laplace Transformation
16. Integral Transforms
17. Numerical Techniques
18. Numerical Methods for Solution of Partial Differential Equations
19. Calculus of Variation
20. Tensor Analysis
22. Infinite Series
23. Gamma, Beta Function
24. Chebyshev Polynomials
26. Hankel Transform
27. Hilbert Transform
28. Empirical Laws and Curve Fitting (Method of Least Squares)