Collaboration Skills: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

In a performance review, an employee’s collaboration skills should be assessed according to a specific set of criteria. These criteria may vary depending on the organization or job role, but they generally include the employee’s ability to work effectively with team members, contribute to group discussions, and support the achievement of team goals.

Questions that can help you determine an employee’s rating for collaboration skills:

  1. Does the employee actively seek out opportunities to collaborate with others?
  2. How well does the employee communicate and share information with team members?
  3. Does the employee actively listen to and value the opinions of others?
  4. How well does the employee work with others to solve problems and achieve goals?
  5. Does the employee contribute positively to team dynamics and morale?

Based on your assessment of these questions, you can assign a rating that reflects the employee’s level of collaboration skills. For example, if the employee consistently demonstrates strong collaboration skills and actively contributes to team success, you may assign a rating of “exceeds expectations.” If the employee meets expectations but could improve in certain areas, you may assign a rating of “meets expectations.” If the employee consistently struggles with collaboration and negatively impacts team dynamics, you may assign a rating of “needs improvement.” It’s important to provide specific feedback and examples to support your rating and help the employee understand areas for growth and development.

Performance Review Phrases and Paragraphs Examples for Collaboration Skills

5 – Outstanding

Phrases Examples

Paragraph Example 1

“Jane consistently displays outstanding collaboration skills in her role as project manager. She actively seeks out opportunities for collaboration with both colleagues and stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is engaged in the decision-making process. Jane’s exceptional communication abilities and willingness to listen to others have fostered an environment of open and constructive debate, enabling her team to reach innovative solutions more efficiently.”

Paragraph Example 2

“Sarah is an exceptional team player who consistently exhibits outstanding collaboration skills. She is always proactive in sharing her knowledge, expertise, and resources with her colleagues to ensure the success of the team. Sarah frequently takes on additional responsibilities, demonstrating her commitment to achieving team goals. She is highly effective in identifying opportunities for collaboration and brings team members together to achieve common objectives. Sarah actively seeks and provides constructive feedback to her peers, showcasing her dedication to continuous improvement and strengthened team performance. Her exceptional teamwork skills have significantly contributed to the success of the team and our projects.”

4 – Exceeds Expectations

Phrases Examples

20 Performance Review Phrase Examples for Resourcefulness

Paragraph Example 1

“In his role as a software engineer, John has exceeded expectations when it comes to collaboration skills. He actively contributes to group discussions and has proven to be adaptable in working with team members who have different working styles. John is skilled at providing constructive feedback to his peers and demonstrates a willingness to accept criticism in a positive and professional manner.”

Paragraph Example 2

“Samantha consistently exceeds expectations in terms of collaboration skills. She actively participates in team discussions and shows a strong ability to both listen and contribute her own ideas. Samantha frequently shares her knowledge with colleagues, building stronger teamwork and camaraderie within the group. Moreover, she consistently goes the extra mile to ensure that the team reaches its objectives.

Samantha’s ability to work with cross-functional teams has been a significant asset to the company. She willingly takes the initiative to drive projects forward and always seeks out opportunities to collaborate, resulting in higher efficiency and common goal achievement. Furthermore, she is conscious of considering the perspectives of others before making crucial decisions, demonstrating a strong commitment to fair and collaborative decision-making.

In conclusion, Samantha has proven to be an asset to the team and the organization through her outstanding collaboration skills. Her dedication, willingness to help, and ability to work with others make her a valuable team member deserving of a rating that reflects her going above and beyond expectations.”

3 – Meets Expectations

Phrases Examples

Professionalism: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

Paragraph Example 1

“Jane is a team player who consistently meets expectations when it comes to collaboration skills. She engages in team discussions and is always willing to share her ideas and opinions with her fellow colleagues. Jane is reliable and dependable, ensuring that her part of the project gets done on time. Through her ability to find common ground, she can work through conflicts with team members professionally and effectively. Overall, Jane exhibits a solid understanding of teamwork and is a valuable asset to the company.”

Paragraph Example 2

“As a marketing specialist, Emily meets expectations in terms of collaboration skills. She is consistently cooperative in working with her colleagues on group tasks and shares relevant information in a timely manner. Emily’s understanding of team goals and her ability to take responsibility for her own contributions have played a key role in the success of the marketing team.”

2 – Needs Improvement

Phrases Examples

Paragraph Example 1

“Steve has demonstrated that he needs improvement in his collaboration skills. He often struggles to work effectively with his team members, and his resistance to compromise has led to conflicts on several occasions. Steve also needs to improve his active listening skills and become more receptive to feedback from his colleagues.”

Paragraph Example 2

“John is a dedicated employee, but he needs to improve his collaboration skills to become a more effective team player. He often interrupts his teammates during discussions and is reluctant to share valuable resources and information with them. Additionally, John seems to prefer working independently, which can create challenges in a team environment. He has also shown resistance in adapting to changes or new perspectives in group projects, and he tends to avoid providing or receiving constructive feedback from his colleagues. In order to achieve better results and contribute more positively to the team, John will need to focus on developing his collaboration skills.”

1 – Unacceptable

Phrases Examples

Attendance: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

Paragraph Example 1

“Sara’s collaboration skills in her role as an account executive are unacceptable. She displays a clear unwillingness to work with her colleagues, often disregarding team goals and undermining the effectiveness of group tasks. Her poor communication skills make it difficult for her to collaborate with others, and she consistently ignores feedback from her peers. This behavior needs to be addressed as it hinders the team’s overall performance and success.”

Paragraph Example 2

“In the past year, John has consistently demonstrated an unacceptable level of collaboration skills. He often disregards the input of his peers and does not listen or engage in team discussions. This uncooperative behavior has led to several roadblocks in group projects and has hindered the team’s progress. Furthermore, John exhibits a lack of respect for his teammates, which has had a negative impact on the team dynamics. It is crucial for John to improve his collaboration skills and show a willingness to work alongside his colleagues, in order to foster a more productive and cohesive work environment.”

Improving Collaboration Skills